Monday, August 28, 2006

Ki Teitzei

1) Is an Amaleki convert subject to the same restrictions as an Edomi convert, in the sense of an inability to intermarry within the tzibbur until the third generation? On the one hand, Amaleikim are descended from Eisav in the same way that any other Edomi is. However, they're consistently referred to as a unique nation on their own, engaging in their own battles and politics. Furthermore, perhaps one can argue that Amaleik was only the descendent of Eisav through a concubine (that of his son Eliphaz), so perhaps this could provide a reason to exclude him from the greater nation of Edom.

2) Temurah 6:3 - An animal given for as a wage for a dog or as a price for a harlot (es'nan kelev um'chir zonah) are permitted, as it says, "shneihem", the two of them - only the two dinim of es'nan zonah and m'chir kelev are prohibited, not the four dinim obtained by expounding the halachos upon each other. In other words, a sheep given to a harlot in exchange for a night's activity cannot be offered on the mizbei'ach, but a sheep used to purchase a harlot outright (e.g., if she's a shifchah k'na'anis) has no prohibition. Conversely, a sheep used to buy a dog is prohibited, but a sheep given as payment to rent a dog is permitted. Perhaps the disgusting aspect of a zonah is better expressed by a one-night event, as a normalized situation begins to move closer to a permanent relationship. However, the other form of disgustingness (i.e., a dog) is only expressed by an outright purchase, not a mere rental.



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