Monday, October 08, 2007

Trivia: Beheimos asher Einenos Tehoros

Parshas No'ach mentions animals which are t'mei'os in the kashrus sense, but how is it possible to have a live animal which is tamei in the more common sense of the word, in which it is capable of transmitting tum'a to another object?

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At 10/10/2007 9:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sheratzim, no?

At 10/11/2007 9:37 AM, Blogger Josh M. said...

I should have included the word "live" in my post, as even besides dead sheratzim, dead animals are subject to the laws of tum'as ma'achal. I made the change.

At 10/15/2007 3:25 PM, Blogger BrooklynWolf said...

Live animals cannot become tamei.

Furthermore, you're asking about the laws of tumah and taharah in a time when such laws were unknown and not kept.

The Wolf

At 10/15/2007 3:43 PM, Blogger Josh M. said...

Yes. But in certain obscure cases, they *can* be m'kablim tum'a. For example, see Eiruvin 1:7, which states that if one uses a living animal as a golel (I forget exactly what this is - perhaps a headstone for a grave?), it is m'tamei mishum ohel. IIRC, this tum'a persists even if the animal is then released from being used as a golel.

This tum'a would ostensibly apply *even nowadays*, in that a kohen would be oveir a lav if he were to be in the same building as this golel-animal. The connection to P' No'ach was tangential, and not part of the question.

At 10/15/2007 3:51 PM, Blogger Josh M. said...

OK, Kollel Iyun HaDaf brings down a three way machlokes as to the identity of the golel on their Background to the Daf page for Kesubos 4b:

* Rashi, Tos', Aruch, and Or Zarua hold that the golel is the cover of a coffin.
* Rabbeinu Tam holds that the golel is the gravestone.
* R' Moshe quoted in Or Zarua holds that the golel is the stone used as a door to a burial vault.

Hence, if one used a live animal for a golel, it would be tamei mishum ohel like the mais itself.


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